Enabling InsurTech Innovation

IRA InsureX is a product incubator and accelerator supporting Founders and Executives building the next generation of technology-enabled insurance solutions working to increase resilience across households, enterprises and the economy

The IRA InsureX Accelerator

The Innovation Village through Future Lab Studio partnered with Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) to develop the IRA InsureX Program – an initiative leveraging technology innovation towards doubling insurance penetration by 2025.

The program is accelerating building and scaling technology-enabled insurance solutions through:

Shared Infrastructure​

Shared Infrastructure​

Leverage Shared Infrastructure and Open Platforms to accelerate innovation​


Market Development​

Market Development​

Increase awareness of, access to, and consumption of insurance products through omnichannel experiences​
Tech-empowered Talent​

Tech-empowered Talent​

Develop a tech-empowered insurance workforce​

Connected Ecosystem​

Connected Ecosystem​

Foster a connected ecosystem, leveraging data to scale​

About IRA

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda is a Corporate Body, continued in existence by the Insurance Act No.6 of 2017 as the Supervisor and Regulator of Insurance Business in Uganda with the objective of promoting effective competition in the insurance industry, in interest of consumers and the growth and development of an inclusive insurance sector among others. Learn more

About Innovation Village

Innovation Village is Africa’s leading ecosystem for entrepreneurs and innovators working to solve the most pressing challenges using technology. We foster an enabling environment for entrepreneurs to thrive, supporting them with tools, expertise, capital and community to build world-class tech products and ventures.
The Innovation Village through Future Lab Studio partnered with Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) to develop the IRA InsurX Program – an initiative leveraging technology innovation towards doubling insurance penetration by 2025. Learn more

About Future Lab Studio

Future Lab Studio is the unit of Innovation Village that provides Business Development Services and advice to Startups, Scaleups and Corporates leveraging technology to identify, build and scale solutions for the Hard-to-Reach.

Why Join

IRA InsureX provides Technical Assistance and Business Development Services, enabling solution providers to:
  • Increase adoption

  • Unlock new revenue streams

  • Optimize Routes-to-Market

  • Optimize cost to acquire and serve customers

  • Shorten Time-to-Market

The program provides high-touch Business solution providers with:

Access developer tools to reduce the time to and cost of testing solutions​

Access to a community of Talent to support product development and deployment​

Support preparing compliant applications to the Regulatory Sandbox​

Support navigating residency in the Sandbox​

Get support developing, refining and implementing Product and Go To Market Strategy to Support developing, refining and implementing Product and Go To Market Strategy

Access a vast network of partners and Early Adopters to shorten Time To Market​

Leverage the Partner network to reach more users faster​

Sharpen innovation acumen and capabilities to support building and scaling solutions​

Who are we looking for

The program supports solution providers to accelerate building, testing, refining and deploying technology-enabled insurance solutions

Existing Licensed Player

Existing Insurance Solutions Needing Digitalization 

Tech-enabled Solution Seeking To Embed Insurance offerings

Startups and Corporates Building Insurance Solutions

Foreign Solutions Seeking To Enter Uganda

Potential program partners typically have:

The product, technical and operations capacity to build, test and deploy the solution, or the capacity to absorb such capabilities

At least one domain expert per target value chain

Existing distribution channels through which to deploy the envisaged solutions, or around which to refine or develop new routes-to-market

Application Process

Step 1

Fill out the expression of Interest form. The team will review your expression of interest to see if you are potentially a good fit.
Direction Arrows

Step 2

If we are interested in learning more about your company or solution, the team will reach out to you for a 1-on-1 conversation and request supporting information to validate your submissions in the Expression of interest
Direction Arrows

Step 3

Following the 1-on-1 conversation, the team will reach out to confirm your participation in the program

Rogers Kagoda 

Senior Venture Design Associate (TIV/FLS) 


Innocent Msangi 

Senior Venture Design Associate (TIV/FLS) 
